52 Weeks of Walking - Week 3

Week 2 went very well and I increased my total distance by about 8 miles.  My results: 
Sunday: 15 min  Actual: 1st Walk: 45 min 3470 steps for the walk, 2nd Walk: 30 min 2429 steps for the walk, 11407 steps for the day
Monday: 15 min  Actual: 1st Walk:15 min 1229 steps for the walk, 2nd Walk: 45 min 3493 steps, 10113 steps for the day
Tuesday:15 min  Actual: 1st Walk: 30 min 2233 steps for the walk, 2nd Walk: 60 min 4970 steps for the walk 11016 steps for the day
Wednesday: 10 min Actual:   60 min 5511 steps for the walk 9008 steps for the day
Thursday: 15 min Actual:  1st Walk: 15 min 1270 steps for the walk, 2nd Walk: 75 min 6890 steps for the walk 12009 for the day
Friday: Off Actual:  1st Walk:15 min 1418 steps for the walk, 2nd Walk: 60 min steps for the walk, 12291 steps for the day
Saturday: 25 min Actual:  60 min 5319 steps for the day, 10438 steps for the day

So, I walked everyday - no off day this week and I walked more than the suggested amount.  It felts great! I hope I can keep up the momentum even with the hot weather.  It definitely helps that I've had a walking buddy most nights.

Week 3 Suggestions:

Sunday: 15 min
Monday: 20 min
Tuesday: 15 min
Wednesday: 10 min
Thursday: 20 min
Friday: off
Saturday: 25 min

Tip for this week:  Keep a running total of miles you walk for the year.  The growing number will be inspiring.  You could even take a stab at guessing how many miles you will reach by week 26 and maybe even week 52.  


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