
Showing posts from August, 2012

Work in progress

I have more work to do on them, but trying to do my own based on an idea I got from Pinterest.

For Grammy



I was playing around with my camera before bedtime last night and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to copy some shots my friend Krista took of her girls not too long ago.  I loved how they turned out.  Thanks for the great idea Krista!   A sweet little reminder that they were there.  LOL!  I'll take this over stepping on legos any day!

August Daily

1. Outside - We didn't hang out outside for too long.  It was just WAY too hot! 2. One - Only one pin left for Little B to aim for. 3. Coin - You might have to look closely, but can you see the coin he flipped flying through the air? 4.  Somewhere you sat - This is where I sit quite often.  It's where I get work done, plan lessons, plan our schedules and get crafty. I've taken day 5's pic, but it's on my other camera...

Bowling and Sidewalk Chalk

We went bowling one day this week.  B was able to join us for a little bit before going to get his eyes checked and so was Uncle B.  The boys were so excited!  I didn't get many decent shots since it was so dark in there, but it was enough to capture the memories. I spent some time outside with Shorty outside while he drew on the sidewalk with chalk.  I loved watching him.  We found these things like temporary tattoos that we could transfer to the sidewalk and color in.  Pretty neato!

Another year

It was my birthday this week too.  I received these pretty flowers from my parents (notice those USMC colors).  We went out to dinner with B's parents and brother that night. When we got home the boys surprised me with this yummy confection of sugary goodness.  :)

Brave (and being brave)

My week off was wonderful and stress free for the most part.  We started the week off by going to the movies to see Brave.  It was not what I expected, but it was still an excellent movie.  As usual, I got all choked up.  I've turned into to such a baby! One day we went roller skating - well... they did.  I watched from the side and tried to take pictures in the near dark of the skating rink.  They were both stumbling all over themselves at first, but got better as they went.  We even ran into another family we know.