D.C. to Boston (and a stop in NY)

The trip to Boston and back was going to include stops in Philadelphia, the Statue of Liberty and Hartford.  However, it was not so easy getting around that area.  We did stop to see the Statue of Liberty, but then we got stuck going over a bridge twice and another one as well.  It was like Newark was trying to keep us.  Then, on top of that, we got lost in NYC too.  Let it be known that I NEVER want to drive around NYC again...EVER.

One of the issues is that the northeast is fond of tunnels and bridges.  Which also meant we would lose GPS signal, which meant the GPS woman would tell us to exit about 3 seconds too late.  How can there be exits on a bridge anyway?

This was a very long and tall bridge.  I'm not fond of bridges.  Have I mentioned that before?

I actually thought the New Jersey Turnpike was pretty nice.  No more pot holes like in Arkansas and Tennessee and the truck stops were pretty nice and clean.

We stopped at Liberty Park on the Jersey side and it was still covered in snowy slush.  By the time we got back in the car, all of our shoes and socks were soaked.  There were tons of geese, pigeons and sea gulls around the park.  I'm sure they eat well on nice days.

Ellis Island.  It really is humbling knowing so many people walked through there to start their new lives in the United States - hoping, praying for a great life for themselves and their families.

And there she is.  I was able to get closer to her, but always from behind her.  She is, after all, facing seaward in order to welcome the newcomers.
"Give me your tired, your poor, 
You huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door"

And it was in this nightmare that we got lost in NYC.

More flippin' tunnels.


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