The Fourth of July

The 4th of July was a real low keyed event for us this year.  We didn't go see fireworks this year which was kind of a bummer, but Brandon and I were just kind of tired and wanting to stay close to home.  We did have a great day though.  We cooked out on the grill and made yummy sweet stuff.  We swam and swam and swam some more.  We also watched lots of programs on the history of the United States on the History channel.  We talked and played and had a great time just being together - just the 4 of us.

And here are some of the more entertaining diving board acrobatics.  Mom was in charge of not only photographing the chaos, but I had to give each jump a score - these are after all, Olympic athletes.  :)

Shorty's frog like "back dive" didn't score very high...

B's Canon ball was superb, but we don't get to see the splash here since the judge was too afraid of getting her baby (camera) wet.

Shorty's second attempt at said back dive was much more successful and resulted in much higher scores.

And my poor hunny was wondering why his back was hurting - ummm.... that was as far as he could reach to put sunblock on a couple of days earlier when I wasn't home.  LOL!  It's a really interesting looking tan now that it isn't red anymore!

I didn't get many more shots because I was busy relaxing and enjoying my 3 boys.  It was just what we all needed.


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