Daily Photo Challenge - made some progress

3.  Best part of the day - Sunset.  On a good day it means that I'm done being busy and I can relax and enjoy my family.

10.  Favorite Color - I swear this isn't a total copout just because I was already taking pics of dusk.  It really is one of my favorite colors - I love all of the pinks and oranges from the setting sun.

12.  Texture - B's new pillow.  I love the fuzzy pillow case and the crisp new sheets.  It makes me just want to dig in and snuggle.

13.  Open - I don't really like water.  I've always pretty much hated water.  My photo is the open water bottle, but it really represents my attempt at opening my mind to the idea of drinking water.  It's healthy, your body needs it and lord knows I could use the benefits of more H2O.

14.  Building - I love that B loves to build.  It doesn't matter if it's Legos, Lincoln Logs, blocks, or anything.  He's good at it too.  I love seeing his little town expand with each new building.  :)


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