
I kind of miss updating my little blog.  I realize that nobody reads it and I haven't bothered to update it since the early part of last December, but I do enjoy it and it's a great place to grab some info while I'm scrapping.

We had a baking day at our house in December.  It was me, the boys, 2 other moms and their kiddos (minus one, which was a total bummer).  I've never baked so much in my life and I don't think my oven's ever been on for that many hours at once before.  The 2 youngest kids were extremely enthusiastic about decorating sugar cookies.  Even by the 700th time they asked us: "Is it time to decorate cookies yet?", their enthusiasm hadn't deteriorated one bit.  Once we started decorating, it was us mom who were more like "I never want to see another sugar cookie again!"  LOL! 

I had a lot of fun and so did my boys and I'm sure that after a year of not seeing sugar cookies, we will be ready for another baking day by next December!  :)

Then there was the local Christmas parade.  It was wet.  It was gloomy.  We waiting in the staging area for a REALLY long time.  However, it WASN'T all that cold, which was nice and it WASN'T actively raining.  Shorty was marching with his Cub Scout Pack and Little B was marching with them in his role as Den Chief for the Tiger Cubs.

December also brought Shorty's birthday. His EIGHTH Birthday!!!  It's bad enough that he's in such a hurry to grow up and do all the things his big brother can do, but to have Mother Nature fast tracking the years too, just SUX!  I tell him all the time "Nuh-uh, no way, I refuse to let you grow up.  I want to keep you little and in my arms forever!".  To which, he replies with a heavy sigh and the patience of a saint, "Mommy, I need to grow up and become a man and get married and have 10 sons and 10 daughters.  Don't worry, we will live across the street from you and visit you all the time.  Some of my kids can even spend the night with you."  How I love this little boy full of such big plans - plans that still include his Mommy.

I love the look of no front teeth.  In December he still had no teeth.  Now, in April, the new teeth have finally broken through.  I'm gonna miss that toothless grin.


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