Too much to do

I would be happy if there were another few hours in the day. I just can't function on as little sleep as I used to. By 9pm, I am totally worn down.

We have so much to do this weekend:

- Take down Christmas decorations
- Empty and scrub Bryan's room - this has to happen tomorrow night since I want to shampoo his carpet tomorrow night as well.
- Get Bryan's new furniture
- Organize Bryan's room.
- Pack up Joshua's room so we can paint.
- Fix the pool pump pipes.
- Venture up into the attic to see if we have had any de-squirreling success.
- Oh and let's not forget the never ending pile of laundry.

See? I need more time. And that is just what I want to do this weekend. My overly ambitious brain would like to add ACTUALLY painting Joshua's room, but that is insane. I would also like to fit some scrapping time in there as well, but I just don't see that happening. :(


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