January 19th - Day 19 of 365

Day 19 - Joshua's first trip to Nakamotos. He did pretty well and Bryan wasn't too protective of our traditions. Everything went well until I was paying and Bryan took Joshua to the restroom to wash his hands. (the restroom was diagonal from our table across the dining area). Well... Joshua comes marching out of the bathroom and about HALFWAY across the room yells "Mommy, I need to poop!" OK, I seriously wanted the earth to open and suck me into the deep, dark, depths of anonymity - pleeeeeaaaaze? just this one time can I escape total mortification? The only saving grace was a young couple sitting right next to where Joshua had made his spectacular announcement.... they were laughing hysterically. OK, maybe I can get through one more Mommy moment. I did apologize to anyone within hearing distance for my son's complete lack of humiliation (I think I more than made up for his lacking). Oh well...I'm a mom, I have 2 sons, they are obviously very confident in themselves. Maybe I'm not such a horrible mom after all - now to work on manners...


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