Notre Dame

So this was our first glimpse of Notre Dame. It is a beautiful church and it just radiates grace and history and endurance. There are signs on your way into the church that remind tourists that although Notre Dame welcomes them, it is still a place of worship and to be respectful to the parishoners worshiping inside. I can't imagine why anyone would need to be reminded... As soon as we went in, the air itself commanded reverence. I know it sounds weird, but it smelled holy.

The entrance to the church is flanked by the 12 apostles. It is amazing and you feel like they are watching you as you pass by - welcoming you to pray with them.

Then there are the gargoyles... Bryan was looking forward to them and insisted on getting some pictures of them. Thank goodness for my 300mm lens! Let me tell you, they are WAY up there. Pictures do no justice to how imense this church is.

The Rose window - stunning detail from the outside and just as interesting from the inside. The stianed glass is so pretty and the natural light from outside, makes it glow on the inside. The pictures in the stained glass of the South Rose window depict scenes from the Old Testament, while the North Rose window depicts scenes from the New Testament.
As a Catholic, I have a special place in my heart for the Virgin Mary and I love taking photos of anything that shows this respect and love. This is one of those tributes to her that moved me. My all time favorite sculpture of her is still in a photo I took in the Cathedral for the Catholic University of America in Washington D.C.
OK - I have no idea what this angel is really holding... It could be a rake as far as I know. I accidentally got this shot while resting in the gardens of Notre Dame. I wasn't really paying attention at that moment, but I liked the photo and thought I'd share...


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