February 16th - Day 47 of 365

Day 47 - I gave Brandon an iPod Nano for our anniversary. He had me load all the music from my collection that he likes, all of the Alex Cross books and most special of all.... The chunky song from Madagascar 2. OK - this makes me laugh every time I think of it! We all watched Madagascar 2 together once it came out on DVD and there is a part where Motomoto (a male hippo) comes strutting out of water to hit on Gloria (the hippo from NY) and he is singing this song while cocking his head back and forth. I thought it was funny, but nowhere NEAR as funny as my husband imitating Motomoto's performance singing "I like them big, I like them chunky, I like the round and something, something" LMAO!!!
P.S. If you want to see the clip I'm talking about go here and click on number 15 "Chunky": http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1809963548/video It will make you laugh! (after the commercial UGH!)


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