To Our Loved Ones: A Year in Review

Dear Family and Dear Friends,

I know I say this every single year, but this year has just flown by! (Yet again!) We sincerely hope that 2007 has been good to all of you.

It seems like a lot has happened in the last year, but when I stop to reflect on it, it just seems that way because our kids are getting busier. It isn’t us so much. :)

Brandon is on his 9th year at the same company. It has changed names so many times that I’m not all that sure what to call it anymore! He did receive a promotion this year. He has moved out of the warehouse and is now a Project Coordinator. We are so proud of his achievements with this company and are lucky that they know his very considerable worth! He is currently working on a 16 month project that has him working the late shift. It hasn’t been very convenient for the whole family, but if it helps him grow his career, we are behind him and willing to sacrifice a bit. (a bit hehe )

I am rounding out my third year at XO Communications. This year has brought a ton of changes in my career. I have also been promoted to a Technical Coordinator. Don’t ask what I do, because I can’t explain it. LOL! I do work with the newest products at XO; it has been a challenge to say the least. I have learned so much this year and I am VERY blessed to work for one of the most intelligent and compassionate women I have ever met.

Bryan is NINE YEARS OLD! We are so not old enough to have a child of 9! He is amazing! He is in the third grade and really excelling. He had a rough patch the second 6 weeks of school, but all of the sudden he is MOTIVATED! Dare I hope that he has been listening to the advice of those who care for him? He is a LEGO building master and has continually impressed us all with the speed and accuracy of his creations. He is still in Tae Kwan Do, Cub Scouts and has recently joined the Chess Club – We are in big trouble once Joshua wants to do extra activities! Now, he is 9 years old, and with that we have discovered a new attitude that rears is ugly head, ummm, about every other day. We were not all that prepared for the smart mouth comments that are typical of 9 year olds (I don’t know why I wasn’t prepared, I mean I was no angel either). We just sigh, take it with a grain of salt and let him know what item he just lost or what privilege he now has to earn back. All in all, he is a great kid, with amazing thoughts and ideas twirling around in his mind. We are so proud of him.

Joshua is FOUR YEARS OLD! We cannot believe our baby is not such a baby anymore! Wasn’t it just yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital? He goes to daycare most full days (we like to play hooky every once in awhile though). He is super busy – I cannot express in such a little word: “busy”, what Joshua is. He is the toughest, busiest, into everything, most curious, talkative and always right about everything, kid we have ever seen in our life! He is exhausting! But he is ours and he makes us laugh till we cry. He has such a sense of humor and his personality has really exploded this year. He is no follower, he marches to the beat of his own drum and we love that about him! No one can resist his beautiful smile and he shares it as much as he can.

This year has been pretty smooth for us, even if at certain times, it didn’t feel like it. We have tried to always keep things in perspective – we are happy, healthy and loved. We have witnessed a lot of ugliness in the news this year, it seems, but we choose to say a prayer and keep our faith no matter what.

So, to wrap this novel up, we wish all of you a very Merry Christmas, a spectacular 2008 (holy cow, already?), and send our love and prayers to all of you!

Hugs and Kisses,

Brandon, Andy, Bryan and Joshua (2007)


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