Happy Endings

Bryan and I just watched a movie called Stardust. I was surprised to see it out on DVD already - I really hope it didn't tank at the box office.

It was so nice to watch a movie that was sweet, charming and had a happy ending. It really was like a fairy tale. I know that some of the movies that come out are trying to be more "realistic", but man... I live in reality every day and really like a totally "unrealistic" espcape every now and then.

So... if you get the opportunity, watch Stardust. It was a lot of fun - Michelle Pfeiffer was an awesome villainess and Robert DeNero had me laughing till I almost fell out of my chair. And of course, Claire Danes was sweet and pretty as usual (I have thought so since way back when she was in "My so called Life".

My little boy and I liked it! But, if you want reality, it definately isn't for you... :)


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