
I never follow through with anything.  At this particular moment in time, I can't think of anything I've ever started and completely finished.  I was going to say re-doing my scrap room, but nope.  I still have a clock to hang up.  I think I may have finished the scrapbook of Little B and my trip to Belgium. Maybe.  I should check.  Oh wait!  I did finish the Smash Book of our trip to the Petrified Forest, Grand Canyon and Mesa Verde.  Score!  One thing.

  • Boys' bathroom - never finished painting leaves on the vines.
  • The kitchen - never finished painting the garden window or hanging the clock up in there.
  • Scrap room - need to hang a clock.
  • 52 weeks of walking - kind of stalled around the holidays and have had a heck of a time getting back on that train.
  • 100 Days of Happiness - No posts past day 14.
  • Rosary business - I don't even know why I never followed through with that.  Had the business license, filed my business name, bought the initial supplies, researched web pages.  Then nothing.
  • Photography - was really into it at one point, but got a little discouraged and then just kind of stopped.  The last time I took photos (yesterday) I actually shot in auto...AUTO!!
I'm sure my list could go on and on.  I'm really not saying this to make myself feel bad.  Most of the time I'm pretty accepting of it.  I mean, come on...I'm busy.  Really busy most of the time.  I have 2 kids that have 2 sets of interests, activities, levels of independence and both still require lots of homework supervision.  Now that Shorty is in baseball, Brandon and I are down to one night a week that we don't have some kind of kid related activity.  I'm totally OK with that too.  I love seeing the boys thrive in their interests.  I love volunteering where I can and I don't feel overwhelmed by it.  I just wish I had a couple of extra hours a day just to spend on the things I don't follow through with.  LOL!  Or maybe I should make a list of ALL the things I haven't finished and start working on them one at a time.  Maybe, but really...there are only a few things on that list that I REALLY do want to revisit and follow through with.  I feel like I HAVE to follow through with.  The top 2 things are I want to finish the 52 weeks of walking and I want to finish the 100 Days of Happiness.  Am I going to start over completely?  No way!  I am going to start at Day 15 and I may even use as many photos (one per day) that have made me happy from what was originally Day 14 to now.  I can do that because although I didn't post and I certainly didn't take a pic a day, I was happy and I did take pics of some of those moments.  So there.  LOL!  I will start on Week 17 of the 52 Weeks of Walking plan and I will finish reading the book.  I will not put any pressure on myself to share it elsewhere or for anyone else.  I will share it here for myself and I will try to follow the plan.  Period.  I don't feel like I have to back up at all because I feel like I can keep up with week 17 even though my activity level has been completely erratic for the past 5 months.
So...those are the 2 things I am going to aim to follow through with for now.  I shall not dwell on any other incomplete projects until 100 Days of Happiness is over - unless it's quick and doesn't get in the way of anything else.  


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