The Rest of July Challenge Photos - well...almost

I didn't quite make it this time, but I'm already working on the August Photo Challenge and so far, so good.

19.  Animal/Insect/Pet - I just happened to find this fellow on the hood of my car.  I thought it was perfect for this challenge.  I took it with my phone, but I still love the way it turned out.

20.  Eyes - Look at those gorgeous eyes!  I think part of the charm of this shot is that he was trying REALLY hard not to smile for some reason.  That is same face he makes every time he tries not to smile or laugh.

22.  Upside-down - Shorty's been driving me nuts lately with the headstands.  Every time I turn around he's standing on his head.  He's pretty good at it.  LOL!  I couldn't decide which photo I liked better so I used them both.  :)

25.  Heart - We've been watching the Olympics just like tons of other families and man oh man is it inspiring!  The things humans can make their bodies do is just incredible, as is the dedication to get to that point.  I'm almost a blubbering mess just watching it on television.  If I were there in person, I'd be an embarrassing wreck of a puddle!  We're definitely proud of our team U.S.A!

26.  Sunshine - There's no shortage of that here!  As a matter of fact, there's so much of it that I avoid the outdoors right now.  100+ degrees is NOT OK!

29.  The last thing you bought - That would have been a new sprinkler control box for us.  A little daunting for us who are not do-it-yourselfers, but B got it swapped out in just a few minutes and totally impressed me in the process!  :) 


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