The Crime Museum

I've always like reading and watching true crime stories.  I'm always fascinated by the forensics and how the criminals are caught.  I've been wanting to go to this museum since I first saw it as we were walking by it on one of our trips to D.C.  It was, however, kind of weird to take pics of things in this museum because they belonged to horrible people.  I passed on some it, took pics of others.  It was still a really neat place to go.

This was Ted Bundy's car.

Hehe!  Are you impressed by my mom's mad skills?

I better never find either of them in this kind of place...

Al Capone roughing it in prison.

Lee Harvey Oswald's military orders.

I found this pretty disturbing.  It was the uniform to one of the Five Points gangs in NY.  It totally freak me out to see someone wearing this.

This was also kind of creepy.  John Wayne Gacey.  They also had one of his clown outfits on display.  I passed on that one.

Bonnie and Clyde.

This is the car they were in when they were corners and shot to death.

In the stocks they go.

Shorty's turn.


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