Texas to Tennessee

We decided to take a big road trip all the way to Boston this year for Spring Break.  I got a lot of "why would you go to Boston at this time of year?" or "that's a long time to be stuck in car together".  We planned it for months (even though we didn't finalize anything until just a couple of weeks before we left).  We watched the weather obsessively, but we managed to schedule our trip for the perfect week.

This is the Texas to Tennessee portion of our trip.
Sunrise over Texas.  We left the house VERY early Saturday morning.

They wasted no time getting comfortable and breaking out the DS's.

Made it through Texas and Arkansas to Tennessee.  Our first outing would be right across the border in Memphis.

We saw a lot of bridges on this trip.  I don't like bridges.  At all.  They make make me nervous and they are high up.  Some of them are way long.


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