Tennessee to Washington D.C.
Little B was up and at em and ready to go the morning we left Nashville. Shorty.. Not so much. He was still tired. They both passed out not long after we got in the car. The trip from Nashville was pretty uneventful for the most part. The more we got into the mountains, the more I saw remnants of snow gathered up next to the guardrails and in the mountains. I am so grateful that the roads were very clear. There were some wet spot well into Virginia that made me nervous since they looked like they hadn't seen much sunlight that day, but they still seemed to be just water and not ice.
I think it's funny that I can see the price tag on his hat in the pic of Little B. They both got new baseball hats from Graceland. I love that they are both great tourists. LOL!

We got lots of pics of Little B sleeping in the car. He can't help it - as soon as we start moving, he gets tired. I don't know why this pic of Shorty is sideways. I can't fix it, but you get the picture... LOL! Out like a light too.
Until we got here. Looks rustic right? This is still TN and the gas station we stopped at had the 2nd most disgusting bathroom from our trip. However, next door to said gas station was a Russell Stovers outlet store. We loaded up on lots of chocolate and gummy oranges before getting back on the road.
I thought this sign on the side of the mountain was pretty cool too. We were also just down the street from Dollywood. LOL! I wanted to stop here again on the way back to I could take a pic of the Dollywood sign to send CS, who just told me he wants to go there, but we couldn't quite figure out where it was.