52 Weeks of Walking

I've started walking for exercise at the beginning of this year.  I walked about 50% of January, a little more than that in February, but really got consistent in March.  I usually even walk more than once a day. However, there isn't much structure and no real end goal other than the all-encompassing goal of losing weight.  (which by the way hasn't moved much considering how much walking I have been doing)
One day I was rummaging through some old books on the shelf and found this book that I bought a million years ago.  It's called The Complete Guide to Walking and it has a 52 week walking plan in it.  The first few weeks, maybe even months are too easy for me since I've been walking long enough already to be beyond 10 minute walks.  I decided to go ahead and start at week 1 anyways.  First, I'm of the opinion that the beginning is a good place to start.  Second, there are always days when I mess up and don't get a steady walk in all day.  If I follow the plan and it recommends a 10 minute walk, it will be a reminder that I can jump on the treadmill for a lousy 10 minutes - no matter what time of the day it is.  Third, there is nothing saying I HAVE to do ONLY the recommended time.  I can walk as long as I want.  The point it to do something.  I'm also not going to stop tracking steps with my Fitbit.  I still have a daily goal of 11,000 steps a day.  My 11,000 step goal is not just about walking for exercise, but also to push me into just moving more each day.  I'm not shooting to walk 11,000 steps in the course of one walk.  I want to boost my movement all throughout the day.  It really work.  I know I want more steps so I am more likely to get up and go upstairs to get something instead of sending one of the boys.

This is the schedule for Week 1:

Sunday: 15 min
Monday: 10 min
Tuesday:  15 min        
Wednesday: 10 min
Thursday: 15 min
Friday: Off
Saturday: 20 min

Along with my actual walking times I will be tracking steps and mileage.  I plan on keeping a running total of mileage for the next 52 weeks.  I'm really looking forward to seeing the number grow.  I'm kind of a geek - I love gathering information...

So...here's to a year of walking (and gathering information).


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