52 Weeks of Walking - Week 2

Week 1 went very well.  My results: 
Sunday: 15 min  Actual: 15 min 1384 steps for the walk  3935 steps for the day
Monday: 10 min  Actual: 10.5 min 943 steps for the walk 4594 steps for the day
Tuesday:15 min  Actual: 1st Walk: 20 min 2171 steps for the walk, 2nd Walk: 60 min 6585 steps for the walk 11350 steps for the day
Wednesday: 10 min Actual: 60 min 5391 steps for the walk 9735 steps for the day
Thursday: 15 min Actual:  60 min 6714 steps for the walk 13135 for the day
Friday: Off Actual:  15 min 1485 steps for the walk 8097 steps for the day
Saturday: 20 min Actual:  off 4275 steps for the day (YIKES!)

So, with the exception of the first 2 days, I walked more than the suggested amount.  Mondays are always hard for me to get a long walk in and Tuesday I was simply lazy.  It is eye opening how hard it is, even when you get a 60 minute walk in, to get 11,000 steps per day.  I need to work on moving more throughout the day.  That's hard to do when you work at a desk, but it can be done.  I need to start with one small change.  I think I will start by doing something I had been doing at one time, but kind of let fall to the wayside.  I am going to set a timer for 55 minutes and when it goes off, I will walk around just for 5 minutes.  I can get stuff done during this 5 minutes as long as I'm on my feet moving.  That will add up to 5 minutes of movement per hour. 

Week 2 Suggestions:

Sunday: 15 min
Monday: 15 min
Tuesday: 15 min
Wednesday: 10 min
Thursday: 15 min
Friday: off
Saturday: 25 min

Tip for this week:  Try for no more than 1 day off per week.  Even better, if you take that day off, replace your walk with some other kind of activity.  Some activities you could replace it with are, swimming, bowling (it is a workout if you aren't used to it), biking, skating, playing at the playground (don't sit on the bench and watch), tennis....  So many other options.


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