Our Thanksgiving Weekend Adventure: Part 4 - The Trip Home

Once we left Cortez, we decided to back track a bit to where we missed Four Corners on the way there.  I'm really glad we did.  We were only there for a little bit and it was COLD, but it was so much fun!  We were able to say that we were in Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico all at the same time.

The view from our hotel in Albequerque, NM.

Bye-bye New Mexico.  You really need some rest stops!

Hello Texas!  You really need rest stops between New Mexico and Amarillo...

We wanted to stop here, but missed the exit and there wasn't another exit for MILES!   Grrrr!!

Taking a break at the cleanest rest stop I've ever seen in my life.  They are called "Safe Rest Stops" I believe or something like that.  Huge bathrooms and super clean and there are people working there all day!  The highlight was a playground for the boys to run off some energy.  Although everyone got along on the road, it was getting very close to wearing out...


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