I will not...

...just leave my list of things that I'm grateful for undone.  It's been kind of crazy since November 16th around here.  However I am going to finish my list!

I am grateful for the years when we can celebrate birthdays together!

I am grateful to have a wonderful mother-in-law.  She's intelligent and pretty and loving - couldn't ask for more!

I'm grateful for an awesome father-in-law.  He such a good role model and so much fun to be around!
I'm grateful for my brother-in-law.  I always love visiting with him and he's totally tolerant of my hugs and advice.  :)

I'm grateful for portable entertainment for the boys during long road trips.

I'm grateful that we were able to drive to the Painted Desert/Petrified Forest.

I'm grateful that Brandon and I got to share this with our boys.

I'm grateful that I went down to see this even though the climb back up sucked!

I'm grateful that Brandon was persistent enough to go back to see this so we could stand in four states at once.  :)

I'm grateful for the cleanest rest stop I've ever seen and that it even had a playground.

I'm grateful that my husband is willing to be even more obsessive about my backdrops than I am and WILL find a way to make an idea work.

I'm grateful that both my boys are willing to be hams in front of the camera for me.

I'm grateful for a sense of humor that makes this easy to laugh at...

Also... I'm grateful for modern medicine and all they can see and do and make better.
Also... I'm grateful for comfy jammies and blankets when I'm sick.
And one bonus.... I'm grateful that my kids get over being sick so quickly.


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