Photo Challenges - Almost there

8. Lunch - This is what Joshua and I had for lunch today.  Bryan refused because of the green stuff.  It's a recipe I got off of Pioneer Woman's web site.  Only, I tried to lighten it up a little.  We used thin, whole wheat bagels and light cream cheese instead.  It also had cucumbers, avocado, onion, a slice of muenster cheese and a slice of cheddar.  She put alfalfa sprouts on hers, but we chose to skip those.

9.  BIG - That was my attempt at making Calzones for dinner.  It didn't go well and they didn't taste good.  My boys were sweet though and ate them (the insides anyway).  They were surprised when I was the one to say they were pretty awful.  The crust was a Pillsbury canned crust and it didn't taste good and it was REALLY dense.  

16.  This is the beginning of my sign.  Well, it will be when I'm done trying to make it pretty.  :)

18.  Plate - Don't laugh, but I love Target's plastic Plates.  Some of them are really cute and the fact that they are plastic comes in super handy when you live in a house full of boys.  I think I only have 3 glass dishes left.  Can't break these...well, not as easily, but yes, my boys have managed to break plastic dishware as well.  UGH!


FS Gypsy said…
The calzone doesn't look too bad but I guess looks could be deceiving :):):)

I love the sandwich! I think I would have added the alfalfa, do you like bean sprouts? They are better.

I didn't bring my Minie Mouse plate with me :(

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