Good-bye Needles

Little B had his last appointment for the study he was on last month.  It's hard to believe it has been 4 years already.  It just flew by.  We've been going to Children's to see these 2 wonderful women every 3 months for FOUR years!  This marks the end of daily shots, hopefully for good.  Bryan has grown a lot in that time.  Way beyond what we expected - so pleased!

This is what a sarcastic teenager looks like... "Yes, please take more blood!"

It always freaks people out that he insists on watching what they are doing.  I think it's pretty funny.  Nurse R. is used to his odd little quirks though.

This is Little B's awesome doc!  She is soooo excited about doing these studies and she made Bryan really excited about it - like he was making a real contribution to science.  She is a great doctor and so much fun to talk to.  When Bryan started this study he was WAY shorter than she was.  Now he's actually taller.  I must find that first photo!


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