Our First Raingutter Regatta

Even after all the years that Bryan was in Cub Scouts and Joshua going into his 3rd year of it, we've never gone to the Rain Gutter Regatta until this year.  I guess we always had something going on whenever it was scheduled.  We were a little late to this one too - my fault sort of.  The day before I had been outside a lot and the heat made me sick.  I had a horrid headache and felt pukish.  So, because of that, we tried to time it so we would get there right around the same time as the regatta preparations started.  We were a little late.

Something very odd was going on with my little social butterfly too.  He set himself apart from the other boys and was acting really shy.  Don't know where that came from.

He was being very detailed.

This was just a practice run, but Mr. I'm Gonna Act Shy Today, got through the test run and then decided he didn't want to participate anymore.  He just wanted to leave.  There was no changing his mind - he had dug in.  So rather than fight it, we went home.  I did eventually get to the bottom of the strange behavior though.  I guess Joshua and one of his friends ended the school year with a disagreement.  He was feeling uncomfortable about it and wasn't sure if he was supposed to be mad still or not.  We had a little chat and I told him it was OK to disagree with our friends - we don't always have to agree with everything as long as we are respectful about it.  He seems to feel better about it now.  Man, does he have a memory like a steel trap!  I'm pretty sure the other kid didn't even remember that there was ever a problem.

His sail kept turning in circles which caused his boat to get stuck on the side of the gutter.  It was a monumental effort for him not to fix it with his hand.


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