52 Weeks of Walking - Week 6 (August 12 to August 18)

Note:  Adjusting the week to be from Monday to Sunday.

Week 5 Results:

Mileage for this week: 10.56
Total Mileage for 5 weeks: 62.98 

I sucked this last week. 3 days with no real walk - I just ran out of time. I also only met my daily goal of 11,000 steps 3 times and not once did I add stretching to my routine. Bummer. This week WILL be better!

Week 6 suggested minimums:

This week's tip: Wear your pedometer all day long. I have both a walking goal and a daily step goal. They are totally separate for me. As long as I get an actual walk in and meet my minimum time, I am good for the walking goal, but I also have a total daily step goal of 11,000. I've been trying to come up with additional way to sneak extra steps into my day. I pace while on conference calls, I try not to send my kids to get things for me up or down the stairs, I set a timer to go off on the 50th minute of every hour to remind me to walk for 5 minutes. Can you think of other ways to add steps to your day? 

Can't forget to keep track of stretching and mileage!  ;)


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