52 Weeks of Walking - Week 8 (Aug 26 through Sept 1)

My week 7 results: I did about the same mileage wise as last week. I did not take a day off, but I had a couple of slow days. I want to step the mileage up this week without really stepping up the speed. I've been instructed by my doctor not to walk too fast for now. I need to lose more weight first since I'm aggravating some bursitis in my hip. UGH! I refuse to stop walking though... I at least feel good that I am exceeding the suggested walking times. Week 8 suggested times: This week's tip: Take a look back and see how many days you've been walking, how many days you've skipped. Maybe take a look at what might be keeping you from fitting a walk in most days. This is the 2 month mark!! Good luck this week!