Yes, I'm still here
So... I said I was going to update my blog and I've been wanting to, but I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed. We were busy all summer, but when I try to think about what it is we've been so busy doing, I draw a complete blank. I think I'll have to go back and check out my photos to see why I've not only had no time to update my blog, but no time to just breathe either.
Bryan went on a big camping trip for an entire week!! I missed him so much, but was so glad he was having a great time. It helped immensely that the troop leaders recognized how hard it was for some of us moms and sent pictures and emails all week long.

He was exhausted when he got home and had no voice, but he was a grinning fool! He loved camp and impressed some of his leaders by signing up for and completing the mile swim. I'm so very proud of him.

July also brought my birthday. It was the most fun I'd had on my birthday in a long time. I got to spend time with some really great women doing what I love to do most - scrapbook!