
August was a busy month. It was full of sleepovers, swimming, Scout activities (including our first time at a Court of Honor), and pre-school start dates.

Bryan and I had a nice time just the two of us. We went shopping, got haircuts and went to see a movie.

We were getting a fashion show of new school clothes.
Joshua and I went to Spaghetti Warehouse, shopping and Build a Bear. That was the biggest meatball ever!!

Sleepovers with best buds...

Court of Honor. Bryan received his first merit badge for swimming, recognized for the mile swim and received his first rank advancement! Yay Bryan! Yay Cobra Patrol!

Instead of camping in the miserable heat, the scouts did lock in. They had a great time climbing, running and playing lazer tag all night. I even managed to stay almost the whole night!!


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