On top of the arches:

This is a close up of the statue on top of the arches. Or a piece of it anyways. I have no idea what the statue, or the arches for that matter mean, but they were still interesting. The picture below is of the whole statue. I'm a big fan of details, so I love to get as close as I can. Have I ever mentioned how much I love my 300mm lens?

Bryan hanging off of Grammy. He thought it was pretty cool that we could walk around on top of the arches. They also had a map of the city up there which he was all about. The boy loves maps.

The last two pictures are of the city from on top of those arches. It was so pretty from up there. I say from up there only because I was very surprised at how much graffiti and litter there was on the street. They don't ignore it - they have people constantly trying to clean off the walls of the buildings and people who pick up trash. I guess I would think when you have such pretty architecture around you, why would you deface it?