Not Enough Time...

or patience... or energy... or optimism... did I mention time???

I am feeling so overwhelmed at the moment. I'm grouchy and that amplifies every negative emotion I am having.

I have so much to do and not enough time. Why is it that I moved Bryan from one room to another AND painted the room he left all in one night, but I can't get a small bathroom completed. UGH!

I also want to go through the 2000 pictures and pick and choose and edit and post pics from our trip. I also need to do the same for some maternity photos I took of a good friend of mine.

I need to clean the house from top to bottom. It needs it, I am in the mood for spring cleaning (yes, I know I'm running behind) and my parents are arriving on the 19th.

Did I mention that I am also in the middle of painting Joshua's room.

Oh! and I haven't scrapbooked in forever and I really want to.

OK - I am done whining... for now.


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