I hope everyone had a happy and safe New Year's celebration! We didn't go anywhere or do anything (such a shocker!), but we had fun at home spending time together. I let Bryan stay up to ring in the New Year with me, then we turned Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on and fell asleep together - I found it to be a great ending to 2007.

I did do my yearly ritual of making a whole list of New Year's resolutions. I have every list I have made since something like 1995! I never complete all of them, but it sure does feel good to cross a couple off. Some excerpts from my list include:

1. Lose weight - that has been on my list for the past 10 years I think. Maybe this is the lucky year.
2. Go to Belgium to visit my folks - this is so getting crossed off.
3. Blog more - as in write more, not just photos.
4. Have a solid bedtime routine with the boys - so tired of the chaos (and it is totally my fault)
5. 1 side gig taking photos for some one - this one might be a challenge.
6. Be happy - sometimes happiness is a choice (and I sometimes don't make the right choice)

There are 19 items on my list, but I think I will keep the rest of them to myself for now hehe.
I feel like 2008 is going to be a good year - maybe it has something to do with Brandon and I celebrating our 10th anniversary. I feel like it is a big milestone for us!

What are you New Year's resolutions for 2008? I send warm wishes and I am totally cheering you on whatever your goals for the new year may be!


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