B-U-R-N O-U-T !!!!

OK, so I am not Supermom/wife/employee/housekeeper! I tried and I am officially wiped out. For some reason (or maybe it was due to the walls closing in on me), I felt that it was necessary to start a major decluttering/deep cleaning of the house. It sounded good at the time and it may just sound like a stellar idea tomorrow, but right now all I can say is WHAT WAS I THINKING????

OK, I am further along today than I was a week and a half ago. I have decluttered and purged 3 bathrooms, 1 closet, 1 shelf in each child's closet, my bedroom and gathered enough stuff to fill almost one side of my garage. The Salvation Army is picking it up tomorrow - thank goodness! I should be proud right?

However in the process of decluttering/purging I always get brilliant plans to move this and that and re-organize and stuff like that. So, the gigantic craft closet full of the boys' craft supplies and work books is now in my scrap room after emptying, disassembling it, moving it upstairs by myself, putting it together, breaking it, waiting for Brandon to fix it and refilling it. WHEW! The whole moving it by myself was another inspiration gone wrong brought on by a serious lack of patience on my part (NO, I could not wait another 24 hours for Brandon to do it the first time!). Then there is the even more gigantic display unit that my dad helped snag from Mervyn's out of business sale... I want to get rid of it since it is WAY larger in my dining room than it looked in Mervyn's (it's amazing how huge open spaces make things look smaller), BUT I kind of feel guilty and have a little bit of sentimental attachment to it. I mean, my Daddy found it and thought it would be perfect for my scrapbook supply crisis. It was such a sweet thing for him to think of just for me. That and it was a MAJOR pain in the you-know-what to get into the dining room - ok, just to get it into the house. So, now I am moving the books that are on it now back upstairs to the little office so the little office is now a wreck (not to mention the 3 years worth of filing that needs to be done in there). Oh well, my entire family is now used to my little quirks - it beats moving every 3 years when I get the itch for newness...


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