Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family. ~Anthony Brandt
He passed!!!
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Bryan is TOTALLY excited!!! He passed his test and now he is so ready to learn more. He is now very motivated to master yellow belt! We are soooo proud of him!
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Anonymous said…
Congratulations!!! I had no doubts that you will pass the exam. I am sooooo proud of you and so happy. Now, you can work hard for the next belt. Love you from here to the next universe and back infinity! Grammy
Anonymous said…
You are just too darn cool. There was never any doubt. "You are the Man." Congrats on this glorious day. Now, get busy and train hard for your yellow belt.
Anonymous said…
That is so great bryan....I got yellow belt myself...maybe we can spar someday. It gets more challenging as you go along so keep up the dedication and hard work.
We woke up this morning to fluffy, white snow everywhere. The biggest snowflakes I've ever seen were falling from the heavens. It is just beautiful out there. Have I ever mentioned how much I love my house?? This shot totally cracks me up - Joshua on the receiving end of a massive snow ball from his big brother!! Joshua stuffing what's left of our broken flag pole... Just playing it cool until he could sneak up behind Bryan with that snowball. Not entirely sure, but I think he was taste testing that snow... Such a great smile - love it! Pretty sure he is up to no good. LOL ! Ahhh - the grassy snow man that just wouldn't stop falling apart. He was focused though... DEFINITELY up to no good! Check out all of that snow falling! Snow angel made by my #1 angel. Another gorgeous smile! I just like this photo because of all the snow falling around them. I think they both ended up with snow down their front collars on this one. It was a lot of fun watching them play in th...
Bryan has been in school for 3 weeks now. He is having a great time in first grade and doing pretty well. He is loving the fact that he is a "veteran" student and knows his way around and what is expected of him. First Grade comes with a LOT of homework and tests and we've all come to realize that it is going to require a lot more effort on all of our parts to keep him ahead of the pack. They have mixed up what were the two Kinder. classes, so some of his friends are in his class and some are from the other K class from last year. It's great since he will get to know a lot more kids in his year.
I'm taking my first online class from http://www.shimelle.com/ . Although, I've been blogging since the end of 2006, I think there is definite room for improvement. I'm not the most consistent person in the world (and boy, do I wish that was the case) and I'm not the most articulate either... There are a few things I hope to get out of this class: Some tips and tricks on blog design (I have already benefited in this department) Some friendly reminders pertaining to writing techniques I would love for this to help me develop some habits - like maybe posting more frequently I want to develop my blog into, not only a place to keep family and friends up to date, but a place I can go back to in order to jog my not-so-spectacular-memory. I love to scrapbook, but I find myself forgetting the details so often. It would help to be able to come back here and say "oh ya, that's what I wanted to remember about Christmas morning 3 years ago". Cause let's face it, I...
Now, get busy and train hard for your yellow belt.