Belt Test continued

We had no idea what to expect as this was Bryan's first belt test ever. He was so excited! There were a ton of kids testing and a ton of people watching. It was great! They all did the normal warm up routine and stretches. Then the kids sat in groups by belt color against one wall. The testing started with the black belts. The black belts had to introduce themselves, say what belt they were testing for, say their mom's and dad's names and birthdays and explain what the symbols on the American and Korean flags represented. Then they had do their physical test.
Next were the white belts (Bryan). They also had to introduce themselves, say what belt they were testing for, give their parents' names and birthdays and tell Master Kim how they show respect for their parents. Before we left our house for the test Bryan was saying how he was going to talk loudly and firmly like we'd been practicing, but when it came to the test we could barely hear him. He did well though. He followed instructions perfectly and performed wonderfully.
We didn't realize how long the test was going to last. It was 2 hours long! (note to self: next time show up MUCH earlier to get a seat) They went through all the belts and then all of the yellow belts and above sparred in front of the judges. Then they called the black belts out again and they had to go through a series of three boards to break. All of the younger kids were amazed and oooohhh'ing and aaaaahhhh'ing. Then they called the white belts out and stood them in a line. (We were thinking maybe this was the end). Then Master Kim put a wooden board in front of each white belt. It was too funny because all of the little white belts were looking at each other like "Why is he putting those in front of US?" Then all of the adult black belts kneeled down, holding the boards in front of each white belt. Master Kim told them all to get ready to kick the boards and break them! Every single white belt did it! It was great! I was so proud of Bryan.
It was a great night and we all went to Cici's afterwards to celebrate!


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