The Zoo in Spring

B's friend, L, came to visit us for part of Spring Break this year.  I took tons of pictures to add to all the other pics that I haven't touched since probably some time last year.  It's time to catch up, so I'm going to work backwards.  We went to the zoo.  Seems like we haven't been for quite some time and as usual, we had lots of fun.  B and L were awesome for riding on the carousel with J.

I have this photo in a scrapbook somewhere of the two of them sitting at this exact spot when they were itty bitty.

We think this pretty girl might be expecting soon.

We fed the giraffes and I'm pretty sure this was the highlight of the trip for me.

L said the monorail was the highlight of the trip for him.

And we take these shot on EVERY trip to the zoo.

Holding the birds was J's fave part.

All of the snakes seemed to be really active.

I swear this King Cobra was starting at J.

And our good friend the harpy that always puffs up when we visit...

B's favorite part was the bird show.


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