Fall Camp

 Did that get your attention?  LOL!  It got my attention - as well as B's.  We were freaking out when we saw all of these lovely creatures hanging around our camp site when we arrived and started setting up.  Not cool!  I was trying to put a brave face on for B's sake since he was already suggesting we pack up and head home.  The truth is I was screaming and agreeing with him on the inside.  It made a for a very poor night of sleep.  The good thing is all the spiders and and scorpions seems to like to hide during the daylight hours. 

Love this shot of B.
 The tent that I didn't think was quite air tight enough to keep scorpions from trying to visit me while I slept...
 After 7 years in scouts we still suck at making a camp fire. Where's the lighter fluid?

 We attempted to make pigs in a blanket over the fire.  It was an incredible failure.  Oh well... I tried and I brought back up hot dogs.


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