To Grandma's and Grandpa's House We Go

Oh so much sugar, but oh so yummy!  You know what the best thing about the holidays is?  Seeing the whole family.  It doesn't happen often enough and it's pretty bad since we all live in the same area.  It's during the holidays that I find myself wishing that my parents didn't live so far away.  It would be great to have a Christmas with everyone here, both sides of our family all under the same roof.  Ambitious?  Yes.  Doable?  Maybe...  I'd need to do some thinking about logistics in my house.  LOL!  

 How Joshua LOVES going to his Grandma's and Grandpa's house!
 Bryan is sitting in the massaging chair - I think that is a look of enjoyment??
 I just like this photo of the two of them.  They are so much alike!


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