Happy New Year!
I decided that February 22nd was the official start of my new year. I was hoping for 2011 to be a little smoother than 2010 and I still have high hopes, but it started rough. Or maybe I should say 2010 ended rough. I broke my humerus bone on Christmas morning! I was chasing Shorty around with a Nerf gun and slipped in the kitchen, slammed my arm on the counter on the way down and broke my arm. (Beware of those Nerf guns!) It was not a pretty site, let me tell ya. I was barefoot and still wearing my jammies. I had just spoken on the phone with Mom and Dad and we were playing before having to get dressed to head on over to Grandma and Grandpa's house to celebrate Christmas with them. (I know...wonderful timing) Brandon ran into the kitchen to see what happened and I immediately started screaming "Oh my God! My arm's broken. You need to take me to the hospital!" To which, my dear husband, who we learned that very day, is NOT good in a crisis situation, started screaming back "Just relax!". (No, I didn't lash out at him with my good arm, but I was tempted...) Meanwhile, Shorty was up in his room hiding and screaming himself since he was convinced it was his fault. My poor baby. I tried my hardest to suck it up and assure him that it was NOT his fault, but MINE and this is why we have the No Running in the House rule. I have to say, Bryan rocked it! He was dressed to shoes in 30 seconds flat, he checked my wallet to see if my license and insurance card was there and he threw a bra in my purse. Thank goodness for him!
It wasn't until we arrived at the hospital that I came close to crying. I was terrified that I was going to have to sit there in the waiting room for 2 hours (as we've done so many times in the past) before I could get some good painkillers and see a doctor. However, its good to note that the ER is not very busy on Christmas morning. More importantly, the doctor and nurse who attended me were absolute angels. They were gentle with me and with Joshua, who was still unconvinced that it wasn't all his fault and they were truly sorry when they had to hurt me more during the treatment. Now, I usually pride myself on being pretty tough when it comes to pain, but this was like nothing I've ever experienced (and I was pretty accident prone as a kid). For the first time in my life I hyperventilated and almost passed out. They determined that I had a spiral fracture to my humerus and didn't need the doc to tell me that it was a horrible break after hearing 3 x-ray technicians freaking out over my x-rays. LOL! Thank goodness for Bryan's smart thinking with the bra, because it took the doc and the nurse to get that bad boy over my broken arm an onto my shoulder. Trust me when I say, everyone I had to interact with, including myself, was grateful that I had a bra on over the next several days that I couldn't take it off and put it back on... Thanks to a shot of morphine and 2 tablets of some other painkiller that I don't remember, once Brandon got me home, I was starting to feel a little less like I just wanted to pass out and not wake up for a couple of months. Oh, and even though the ER isn't busy on Christmas morning, it is almost impossible to find an open pharmacy on the same day, but Brandon came through and found one quite a ways away.
I ended up going to see a specialist a couple of days later and he put me in a brace that was its own special kind of torture and required a map to figure out how to put back on. I'm so grateful it wasn't a cast since they can't cast an upper arm. Eventually I was able to take it off to shower and then later to sleep.
So...I ended up with my arm in that brace, sleeping in a chair for 8 weeks. It's finally off! YAY! I have some rehab to do since my left arm doesn't quite work yet and my shoulder is a little out of place and keeps locking up, but I am so thankful that I'm getting closer every day to getting back to life as normal. The human body is a wonder to behold - I'm in awe of how it protects itself and how it heals. Most of all, I'm grateful to my 3 boys who took care of me, even when it got old, to my parents for talking to me on the phone almost on a daily basis and to my friends who would come see me in the prison that my house felt like. ;)
So...Happy belated New Year. My 3 biggest goals for this year are:
1. Get my arm working again.
2. Start to like my new floors again, because I'm currently mad at them. heehee
3. Continue playing with Nerf guns with my boys, just without the running around the house part...
It wasn't until we arrived at the hospital that I came close to crying. I was terrified that I was going to have to sit there in the waiting room for 2 hours (as we've done so many times in the past) before I could get some good painkillers and see a doctor. However, its good to note that the ER is not very busy on Christmas morning. More importantly, the doctor and nurse who attended me were absolute angels. They were gentle with me and with Joshua, who was still unconvinced that it wasn't all his fault and they were truly sorry when they had to hurt me more during the treatment. Now, I usually pride myself on being pretty tough when it comes to pain, but this was like nothing I've ever experienced (and I was pretty accident prone as a kid). For the first time in my life I hyperventilated and almost passed out. They determined that I had a spiral fracture to my humerus and didn't need the doc to tell me that it was a horrible break after hearing 3 x-ray technicians freaking out over my x-rays. LOL! Thank goodness for Bryan's smart thinking with the bra, because it took the doc and the nurse to get that bad boy over my broken arm an onto my shoulder. Trust me when I say, everyone I had to interact with, including myself, was grateful that I had a bra on over the next several days that I couldn't take it off and put it back on... Thanks to a shot of morphine and 2 tablets of some other painkiller that I don't remember, once Brandon got me home, I was starting to feel a little less like I just wanted to pass out and not wake up for a couple of months. Oh, and even though the ER isn't busy on Christmas morning, it is almost impossible to find an open pharmacy on the same day, but Brandon came through and found one quite a ways away.
I ended up going to see a specialist a couple of days later and he put me in a brace that was its own special kind of torture and required a map to figure out how to put back on. I'm so grateful it wasn't a cast since they can't cast an upper arm. Eventually I was able to take it off to shower and then later to sleep.
So...I ended up with my arm in that brace, sleeping in a chair for 8 weeks. It's finally off! YAY! I have some rehab to do since my left arm doesn't quite work yet and my shoulder is a little out of place and keeps locking up, but I am so thankful that I'm getting closer every day to getting back to life as normal. The human body is a wonder to behold - I'm in awe of how it protects itself and how it heals. Most of all, I'm grateful to my 3 boys who took care of me, even when it got old, to my parents for talking to me on the phone almost on a daily basis and to my friends who would come see me in the prison that my house felt like. ;)
So...Happy belated New Year. My 3 biggest goals for this year are:
1. Get my arm working again.
2. Start to like my new floors again, because I'm currently mad at them. heehee
3. Continue playing with Nerf guns with my boys, just without the running around the house part...
The dreaded brace:
