Despite the crowds...

There were a TON of people at the arboretum over the weekend. I guess now that we've been getting some really nice weather people are itching to get outdoors. The spring blooms were absolutely gorgeous too. I felt a little rushed because of the crowds, but still managed to get some shots that I really love... My little old men I totally love this one even though Shorty has that look on his face. And this one isn't the greatest shot, but I love how bright and open his eyes are! Such a trouble maker! Always up for exploring and crawling and climbing... Silly little grin! I just thought this tree was stunning and the petals falling off of it made it look like it was snowing. Peekaboo! Had him really cracking up! One boy trying to be very sweet and cooperative, while the other one causes trouble... Hehe - I just love the look on his face! I think this one is my favorite of Little B Well, maybe this one is.... Blast it...