Singing and Scouts
September brought us the first PTA performance of the school year. Joshua took part in it and it was quite entertaining. He’s not all that shy once he gets into it. Of course along with school performances comes the frustration of the people who feel the need to not have any sort of common courtesy *thank you dude in the front row who still felt the need to hold his camera up above his head while weaving back in forth, blocking 75% of the photos I took in the process*. Oh well, everyone wants shots of their cuter-than-every-other-kid 1st grader…

Bryan and Brandon also went camping with scouts again. I love that they go together every single time and I love that I get some one on one time with Shorty on those camping weekends. This was a fishing campout. Bryan likes to fish and he did bait his own hook and he learned how to gut a fish. YAY! I say YAY! Because anyone who really, really knows Bryan knows that a) he doesn’t like to be dirty and b) he is a complete animal lover and this was really hard for him. He did come home and say that he was never going to “torture” an animal like that again. LOL! After asking him what he thought he was eating when he had a burger or chicken strips, he told me that he was completely aware that he was eating animals and he was OK with it, but preferred that his food come pre-packaged. He didn’t need to see how it got there. Hehe! Boy after my own heart.