The end of a chapter.

Arrow of Light:
The Arrow of Light Ceremony was wonderful. The boys worked hard to earn the highest honor in Cub Scouting. The gentleman who performed the ceremony for our den did an excellent job. He was animated and seemed to truly love the goals of scouting. He made Bryan WANT to continue on in Boy Scouts. The arrows we presented to the boys were made by a Tatanka Indian. They were very authentic looking. The boys were also presented with display racks made by the Weebelo I’s. We are very proud of Bryan accomplishments and we were super excited that Grammy, Papi, Grandpa and Uncle Brett were able to be there at the ceremony with us.

Bridging Ceremony – a.k.a. Last Pack Meeting
Den 7’s Bridging Ceremony took place at our last Pack Meeting. Have I ever mentioned that we have an AMAZING pack? Great leaders, great parents, great kids! One of the other mothers, Penny, put together a great slide show with photos of the boys all the way from the beginning as Tiger Cubs to the present as Weebelo II’s. We presented Jeremy with a plaque because we wanted him to know what a great Pack Master he has been. Seriously, he works really hard to make this Pack a success! We gave Laura an album with letters from all of Den 7’s families. She has the patience of a saint – who knew that boys could scream so much and so loudly??? Then Boy Scout Troop 751 did the honors of meeting the boys on the other side of the bridge and welcomed them officially to Boys Scouts. They already have their first meeting this week!!

The boys thanking their families.
The boys thanking and presenting Jeremy with his plaque.
The boys receiving their Boy Scout Books and Sashes.
The actual bridging.
