The end of a chapter.

Bryan (and some of his friends) has hit some huge milestones lately. This month he had his last Den Meeting ever. The Weebelo II's decided that their last meeting should be laid back with plenty of time to visit. They had pizza and cupcakes and other wonderfully non-nutritious yummies . It was also nice for us parents to chat. Our silly Weebelo II's Arrow of Light: The Arrow of Light Ceremony was wonderful. The boys worked hard to earn the highest honor in Cub Scouting. The gentleman who performed the ceremony for our den did an excellent job. He was animated and seemed to truly love the goals of scouting. He made Bryan WANT to continue on in Boy Scouts. The arrows we presented to the boys were made by a Tatanka Indian. They were very authentic looking. The boys were also presented with display racks made by the Weebelo I’s. We are very proud of Bryan accomplishments and we were super excited that Grammy, Papi , Grandpa and Uncle Brett were able to be there at the ceremo...