Hello Again...

It's been a heck of a week around here! Busy bees; that's what we are. We had the Pinewood Derby races, a visit from Brandon's mom, a nasty cold, jury duty, taxes, purging, teacher conferences, fund raising and very little scrapbooking. Whew! Somewhere in there we even managed to hang out as a family and make dinner on a daily basis.

We had a great time at the Pinewood Derby, jury duty was depressing and having a cold all last weekend sucked, but we've still had fun. We watched Zombieland last night (yes, I know it's totally gross and probably not the best movies to let my kids watch) and we laughed our butts off! Totally silly and funny!

I'm still taking a photo a day for the most part. Having lots of fun with it. Trying to show our daily lives through the eye of a lens can be a fun challenge.

So, here's a little peak at some recent daily photos...
February 3rd - Bryan the Spy. Those glasses are part of his disguise.

January 22nd - Joshua created a Little People Parade in his room. Made me smile when I saw it later.

January 29th. My pretty heart box. My plan is to fill it with little strips of paper with random ideas written on them for the times when my scrapping mojo takes a vacation.

January 25th - Percy Jackson and the Olympians series has been WAY fun to read with Bryan. We have both been really enjoying them. This was the last book. So good!!


FS Gypsy said…
I like all your pictures, I love the colors of that blanket, did you just make it? I don't remember seeing it on my last trip.

I also love Joshua's little people city, he did a great job!

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