Housecleaning and Blueberry Tea
Why is it that insurance is so complicated??!! I swear they do that just so you have no idea what you're supposed to be paying!! grrrr! So, that is what I did this morning - wrapped my brain around our vision and dental insurance. I needed to know what was covered and what we were going to have to pay for out-of-pocket. I also spent some time figuring out what was in our HSA and what should be in our HSA and what will be in our HSA. I hate that insurance and medical care costs have gotten to the point where I am afraid of going to the doctor's office out of fear of having to shell out a bunch of $$$. I think I have a firm grasp on it now and have it all written down in an easy to remember place. My first test will be tomorrow when I take the boys to the dentist for routine checkups. I say routine since that is all they will do tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure Bryan is going to need some work. Little do my kids understand that I hate going to the dentist too. It always seems like we have to pay a lot and there is always something wrong. I liken it to going to a mechanic - you think you're doing just fine only to find out that you actually need $1000 worth of work... Then Thursday is an eye exam for me and Bryan. He's been complaining that he's having a hard time seeing things in class. I was really hoping that his eyesight would be like mine - pretty darn good. Still crossing my fingers until I actually hear the words, even though Brandon said he was around the same age when his eyes started going to crap. Boooo!
On a lighter and much more pleasant note... a fellow villager mentioned buying blueberry tea and how much she liked it. So, since I have forsaken sodas on weekdays (give me break, I'll cut them out of the weekend eventually), I decided to buy some and give it a try. Let me tell you....YUMMY!!! Love it! Had some hot blueberry tea over the weekend and it was awesome and smells DIVINE!! Made some blueberry ice tea today and it was even better!! Thank you to my villager friend for posting about it! Oh, and I'll let you know when I finally get around to cutting out the sodas for good. LOL!
On a lighter and much more pleasant note... a fellow villager mentioned buying blueberry tea and how much she liked it. So, since I have forsaken sodas on weekdays (give me break, I'll cut them out of the weekend eventually), I decided to buy some and give it a try. Let me tell you....YUMMY!!! Love it! Had some hot blueberry tea over the weekend and it was awesome and smells DIVINE!! Made some blueberry ice tea today and it was even better!! Thank you to my villager friend for posting about it! Oh, and I'll let you know when I finally get around to cutting out the sodas for good. LOL!