
Showing posts from January, 2010

A First and the Pic of the Day

We had a couple of firsts in our family today. Bryan has his first eye appointment today. I was worried since he's been complaining lately about not being able to see the board in class. Brandon's comment that he was around his age when he started wearing glasses didn't help. However, doc says no need for glasses yeah!!! Not-so-surprisingly, blurred vision is coming from mashing his hands in his scratchy, allergy eyes.... Much to my annoyance later in the evening, I forgot to take a single picture of Bryan at his first eye appointment - grrrrr . In my defense, I was a little distracted by our good-looking, Anderson Cooperesque optometrist. Another first today.... Joshua received his firs black eye today. I think Bryan was also around the same age when he got his first black eye. No, it wasn't a fist fight in the school yard, it was a collision at recess with a friend. Hope his friend is doing alright. I DID remember to take a photo of this one.

Housecleaning and Blueberry Tea

Why is it that insurance is so complicated??!! I swear they do that just so you have no idea what you're supposed to be paying!! grrrr ! So, that is what I did this morning - wrapped my brain around our vision and dental insurance. I needed to know what was covered and what we were going to have to pay for out-of-pocket. I also spent some time figuring out what was in our HSA and what should be in our HSA and what will be in our HSA . I hate that insurance and medical care costs have gotten to the point where I am afraid of going to the doctor's office out of fear of having to shell out a bunch of $$$. I think I have a firm grasp on it now and have it all written down in an easy to remember place. My first test will be tomorrow when I take the boys to the dentist for routine checkups. I say routine since that is all they will do tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure Bryan is going to need some work. Little do my kids understand that I hate going to the dentist too. It always seem...

Catching Up

Hey! Since when do I have a life?? I've been pretty busy lately and have busy plans for the rest of the month. Thank goodness this has been a long weekend. I had a great time at taking part in their Virtual Crop. I so didn't get as many pages done as I wanted, but I had soooo much fun chatting with everyone! I even got to host the Journaling Challenges, which was so awesome - I really enjoyed learning about these wonderful women! I want to continue working on the challenges next weekend - they are always so inspiring. This is my favorite page from this weekend: Today I'm gonna work on assembling Project 365 from last year and maybe even even do the first couple of weeks of 2010, so I don't get behind on Project Life as well. Here are the daily pics from this weekend... This would be my boys dancing to "Like to Move It" from the Madagascar soundtrack. Friday, Jan15 Caught red-handed! Stealing a drink of my coffee! Saturday, Jan16...

Favorites from the holidays

My baby had a birthday!! He was so excited about turning SIX!! We had a birthday dinner with Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Brett. Joshua loved sitting next to Uncle Brett and goofing off with him! How can you not love that gorgeous chocolate face?? We went to "Ice" at the Gaylord Texan hotel. Lots of fun and WAY cold! LOL! I L-O-V-E this photo of Grandma and Bryan. WOW - for some reason Bryan looks so much taller and older in this shot! Then there was Granpa taking as many pictures as I do... This is inside the middle of the Gaylord - so pretty! You'll poke your eye out!!! We love watching A Christmas Story every single Christmas!! The boys seem to enjoy it more and more each year! Christmas Eve and the boys are ready for bed! They wanted to get to sleep fast so Santa wouldn't pass them by... Wands to add to their collections!! Hehe! Now they have Dumbledore's and Serius Black's wands! Our wonderful, wonderful parents - we're so grateful for...

So Bad at This!!

I know - I'm so bad at this. I had hoped to blog more often in 2009 than I did, but I DO think I managed to do better that 2008. LOL ! Baby steps right?? I the holiday season found everyone happy, healthy and surrounded by those you love. Our holidays were very nice! Mom and Dad were not able to be here for Christmas, but we did get to enjoy them over Thanksgiving. PLUS, we get to see them again in a couple of months - YEAH! So, what does 2010 have in store for you? I'm hoping for good things - not only for us, but for everyone who had a rough 2009. It was a mixed bag for our family. Both good and not so good events. We have most definitely been blessed in more ways than one, but it was an emotional roller coaster none the less. In February I thought I was going to be laid off and ended up being hired onto another team within the company. BIG BLESSING!! My parents were posted to Baghdad - not so great, but they've managed to stay safe. BIG BLESSING!! Bryan con...