The One and Only...

Eiffel Tower. This is what Bryan wanted to see most of all. Finally we made it. It was windy and cool that day. The Eiffel Tower sure is TALL! We went all the way up. I didn't really like spotting the green nets for what??? For some one who accidentally falls OFF??!! It was very cool and Bryan, bless him, loves to conquere fear. He is afraid of heights, but he was going up there and nothing could stop him. He spent the frist few minutes hugging the walls, but eventually went to the telescope thingy. It was funny once we got back down, we were sitting there waiting for mom to come back out of the gift shop and watching the quite annoying and persistent guys hawking their little trinkets. It was something out of Wild Kingdom... all of the street vendor dudes looked up all at the same time (there must have been a dozen of them standing in front of us), it was like the smelled something...suddenly ALL of them took off running full speed! A couple of seconds behind them, the Parisian police were running after them! It was a trip. A few minutes later the cops left and they were right back at it. Another 15 minutes later, the whole process started again. It completely reminded me of lions hunting gazelle. It was hillarious to watch. Wish I had been able to video record it, but a curtain of rain washed us all out a few minutes later. Interestingly enough... the gazelle had umbrellas to sell... :)
Grammy and Papi

Bryan and Papi! It was a LONG way up there!

Paris is huge! and way more congested than I expected!

From under the tower.

Do you see the green nets?


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