Various shots are the plaza

Since most people in Brussels walk, ride the train and ride bikes, they have these bike rentals - from what I understand you can pay per month and you get a card that you swipe on the bike rack and take the bike - they have racks all over the place for you park them in. It seems like a pretty great service for people who don't want to drive or who don't want to store their own bike.

No one knows exactly what the deal is with the peeing boy - you can look it up - no one in Belgium even knows what the deal is. However, people flock to see him and he has dozens of outfits that they dress him in for certain celebrations. He's been there since the year 1388.

There are lots of street performers around the city it seems - we came upon this guy and had no idea that he was a real person until he grabbed Bryan and put sat him on his lap to take a pic.

As legend would have it... if you rub the length of this statue, you will return to Belgium. Bryan and I tested out - time will tell...


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