Hot Air Balloons?
I admit it - when I was told that the last project of the year was going to be to make a hot air balloon, my first reactions was ... "huh, what are we supposed to be doing?" Then I found out that EACH boy was going to make a hot air balloon... "what?? how??" Then I finally got more specific directions and it made more sense. It was made out tissue paper, which I was convinced would NOT work. However, I was completely wrong and it turned out to be a pretty interesting project. Once all the pieces were assembled, the tissue paper actually seemed to be reasonably sturdy. We were all a little unprepared for how little they flew, but after some discussion, we came to the conclustion (educated guess) that the air outside of the balloons was too hot and there was not enough difference in th temperature between it and the hot air we were filling the balloons with (we used hair dryers). Maybe if we try again once the temperature has cooled outside quite a bit - maybe November! We kept Bryan's just we could try again ourselves later in the year.
