Joshua's Christmas

Man did he have fun. This was the first year that he was really into it! It took him all day just to get through that BIG bag. He had so much fun and I really enjoyed just sitting back and watching him. I think that is the big thing for me - it's not so much getting anything myself, but just watching the boys. They get so excited and want to try each new thing as soon as they open it. We are just so blessed to be able to give them good Christmas memories - and I am not talking about just the presents (although I am grateful for that as well), but the love that is so tangible, especially on that particular day. The silliness that we all feel, the jokes, the hugs, kisses and smiles. It is just the best day to be a parent and the best day to come from such great families as Brandon and I do. We love them all so very much.