OK, I'm running just a tad behind. Things have been terribly busy around here lately. I think I may have been a little over-ambitious this year. Last year it was hard to be involved with Bryan's school and we were having a hard time meeting other parents. This year, I have volunteered, mostly myself (but some of Brandon), to everything I could possibly do while still admitting that - yes - I do work full-time. I heard nothing from anyone from the middle of August until last week - then BAM! I am helping with the Multi-cultural night, helping room parents, on the Hospitality Committee, taking photos for school events... Oh - and let's not forget selling Cub Scout popcorn and cookie dough for the school. I am sure my co-workers love me this month! Everyone wants a piece of me! What was I thinking?
No-actually it has been good for all of us. It has forced me to be a lot more organized. I still have occational "blonde" moments, but I have been really good so far this school year. I haven't dropped the ball once so far. (even if I came close once or twice) We signed Bryan up for Cub Scouts and it has been something that Brandon and Bryan do together - good one on one time for them. I am still trying to be involved, but it is mostly them. I have actually been able to meet a few patents - are you stunned? I am hoping to get to know them better...

Anywho... all of that when I really just wanted to say that we've been busy (or at least I have been) We did celebrate Bryan's birthday with Grandpa and Uncle Brett. Grandma was out of town and missed! We went to one of fave places to eat - Spaghetti Warehouse, where the staff sang to him. Then we went home for cake and ice cream and presents. Poor baby though. As soon as we finished opening presents, it was off to bed - no playing with any of them that night (in my defense - it was a school night)...


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